These are some programs/scripts/libraries written by me:
- sxcs
Minimal X11 Color Picker and Magnifier.
- sxot
Minimal X11 screenshot tool.
- selx
Minimal selection tool for X11 (can be easily used with sxot
- sxbm
Simple command line bookmark manager written in POSIX compliant shell script.
- shellmarks
Simple directory bookmark management via symlinks.
- mpv-toolbox
Scripts for the mpv video player.
Notably includes a progress-bar and a
dmenu based selection menu.
- nix-compress
Modern implementation of the ancient unix compress(1) tool.
- libz1
A set of single header utility library for C.
These are a couple projects where I have notable contribution.
Sorted (mainly) by contribution volume:
- nsxiv - Community fork of sxiv, a simple image viewer for X11.
=> Currently one of the active maintainers of the project.
- nnn - Efficient but powerful terminal file manager.
=> Contributed various features, performance improvements and many other things.
- dmenu - Graphical menu for X11.
=> Mainly contributed various performance improvements.
- imlib2 - Feature-packed image library in C.
=> Contributed various bug-fixes.
- scrot - screenshot tool using imlib2.
=> Helping out with the development since the project needed (and still needs)
- mpv - scriptable and powerful media player.
=> Bug fixes and some small features.
- guru - Gentoo User Repository.
=> If a nice software I use isn't packaged, I package it and make it available
to other gentoo users via publishing it on GURU
There are plenty of other projects where I've contributed small
bug/warning/compatibility fixes. Too many to list and I haven't kept track of
them either given they're pretty trivial things.